How Secure is your Work Space?

We intensely focus our time and attention on securing and protecting our computer systems and networks from being hacked and preventing confidential information from leaking out via the internet. Whilst that is important your work space is a security risks that is often overlooked.   

An open desktop with sensitive and confidential information can be a serious security breach additionally the all too familiar sticky notes with every password imaginable stuck to your computer screen. Get rid of them immediately!

To protect your desk top, create an auto lock on your computer screen for whenever you leave it for more than five minutes. This is particularly important for employees who are guardians of sensitive information as this information leaking out may cost you your job, the company’s reputation and may have legal and monetary repercussions.

It’s also a must to create an auto lock on your smartphone as many of us have a company phone where the company’s information is easily retrievable and while at work we tend to leave our phones at our desks.

Most of us utilise a printer for work, you are at your desk busy working and you send a document to the printer, at the same time you have to take a call. That document is often left at the printer forgotten for some time and open to all to read or to quickly take a picture, this oftentimes is a document which should have been taken up immediately.

Another important security risk are access keys and cards to confidential rooms and areas that are left on your desk. These should be secured to your person at all times. Imagine someone with bad intentions getting access to your server room, this is another sure way of losing your job and placing the company at serious risk.

Some other security measures that you can practice are:

  • Do not use your desk as a filing cabinet with easy access to files.
  • Do not leave USB sticks with proprietary information in your computer.
  • After an intense brainstorming session that whiteboard with all that information that all should not be privy to should be wiped clean.
  • That nice purse that you have to keep on your desk with all your credit cards and cash please lock it away in your desk drawer or place it somewhere inconspicuous.

IT security has many components and technology is evolving rapidly at a pace we can’t keep up with it.

But, getting in the habit of practicing these simple security measures is a sure way to keep ahead and they will never fail us.

Article is written by Gillian Murray.  She is the Marketing Officer at tTech Limited. She can be contacted at 656-8467/656-8448 or by email at