The Role of Cybersecurity For Covid-19 and Beyond

The use of technology for day-to-day operations has increased significantly over the past six (6) to eight (8) months, as the restrictions put in place as a result of the novel Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to rely heavily on instant messaging, video conferencing and other means of virtual communication and operation in order to maintain connection in both the personal and professional realm – with our friends, employees, colleagues, clients, customers and other business stakeholders.

The topic of cybersecurity has been much explored by tTech and other industry players over the past few years, notably leading to the pushing of the Bill by former Minister of Science, Energy and Technology, Fayval Williams and subsequent passing of the Data Protection Act in the Senate. The threats that have evolved to exploit this time of global pandemic, however, have served as a timely reminder and a wake-up call for many to pay more attention to the issue.

One such threat has included increased, targeted phishing attacks; where criminals attempt to mislead and scam by impersonating legitimate companies and services through email, text messages and advertising in an effort to steal sensitive information like individuals’ account numbers, credit card information, usernames and passwords, as well as to gain access to businesses wider databases. Criminal efforts like these have become especially employed now because of the perceived vulnerabilities of both the individuals operating the devices remotely and the business entities that have had to pivot to remote working and navigate various challenges brought on by the pandemic.

Cybersecurity, therefore, has a huge role to play for securing and maintaining business operations now and beyond as the lack thereof severely compromises privacy, productivity, efficiency and financial viability. The challenges and lessons that we continue to learn during this and other times like these, fortunately, do give us the opportunity to pivot, enhance cybersecurity and facilitate other relevant Information Technology (IT) support, especially because the Data Protection Act will certainly soon be put in place by the Government and protection and compliance will be of utmost priority for businesses.

To this end, tTech’s recent September 2020 announcement of its intention to offer a much needed Data Protection and IT Compliance service is a timely response to help companies adapt and quickly assess and address their risk in order to protect themselves and their stakeholders, as well as to support cybersecurity efforts with innovative technology moving forward.

October 2020, as the fifth consecutive year that that the Jamaica Cyber Incident Response Team (Ja-CIRT) has observed Cybersecurity Awareness Month in Jamaica, has presented an extended opportunity for tTech Limited to partner with them and continue to educate as well as provide relevant IT Security service, sound advice and proven solutions towards the recovery and transformation of business operations during this pandemic.